Olive Lane Horning began portraying Corrie ten Boom in June of 1975. That year, Olive Lane attended a Winning Women’s Retreat in Kalamazoo, Michigan where Miss ten Boom was the main speaker. God spoke to Olive that day, but she did not understand the true message. Later, she was to understand the call that she received from the Lord.
Her first performance was for a vacation church school in Fenton, Michigan. From that small group beginning, Olive Lane was contacted by many churches, schools, and community groups throughout the United States, Canada, and even Europe to share Corrie’s story. She was asked to come to churches to publicize The Hiding Place.
Olive wrote to Corrie, who was living in Orange County, California, to tell her what was happening. Corrie gave her permission to share her story in this first person, dramatic impression. Olive Lane said, “I feel honored to be able to share Corrie’s story in this unique manner. I would have never thought of doing it, if the vacation church school leaders hadn’t asked me.” |
Olive Lane is married to Gary Horning. They have two sons and two grandchildren. She is a retired special education educator who lives in Kissimmee, Florida. There are parallels between Olive Lane and Corrie’s lives. They both grew up in Christian homes and were leaders in their churches and communities. They both taught children with handicaps. They both had extensive speaking and writing experience.
Among many other activities, Olive is the Curator of the St. Cloud Heritage Museum, St. Cloud, Florida.
Visit the Museum online.