Books about the Life of Corrie ten Boom
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- Andrew, Brother (with Becker, Verne), For the Love of My Brothers, 1998.
- Aroneanu, Eugene, ed., Inside the Concentration Camps, 1996.
- Carlson, Carole C., Corrie ten Boom: Her Life, Her Faith, 1983.
- Foot, M. R. D., Holland At War Against Hitler, 1990.
- Fuykschot, Cornelia, Hunger in Holland: Life During the Nazi Occupation, 1995.
- Gutman, Israel and others, ed., Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, 1994.
- Poling, Hans, Return to the Hiding Place, 1993.
- Rosewell, Pamela (Moore), Five Silent Years of Corrie ten Boom, 1986.
- Sofsky, Wolfgang, The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp, 1999.
- Stamps, Ellen de Kroon, My Years with Corrie, 1978.
- Van der Zee, Henri, The Hunger winter: Occupied Holland 1944-1945, 1998.
- Wellman, Sam. Corrie ten Boom, 1995.